Beginning Again

How does one begin to tell a story that is neither flattering nor pretty?  Suffice it to say 2017 was not a very good year for my family.  First my husband had much needed gall bladder surgery after 18 months of on and off problems with it. Then my turn for surgery came shortly afterward. Then, with healing, taking care of family members and some unwise choices, we lost the home we had hoped to buy.  Some of the cause was just plain bad luck due to circumstances but a lot of it was our fault. My fault.  What happened and why does not matter. It's over and done with, although we are still dealing with some of it. This blog post is simply meant to acknowledge this period of learning and move on from  there.

Along with the bad that happened in  2017, good happened as well.  Although due to location we are no longer able to worship with the congregation from our old home, we have found a loving church family here. We are still getting to know everyone in our new congregation, but it's a good fit. The hubs is being put to work as one of the song leaders, and he helps with other parts of worship as well. My boys are loved. This means much to me.  As for me,  I don't know exactly what  my role is in the body of Christ. I know I want to do more though.

Where are we now?  Well, in the middle of here and there, actually.  We haven't exactly found a new nest yet, but we're looking, and praying. I have dealt with anger, sadness, seen the weakness of my faith at various times through our journey thus far. And I'm still dealing with pride, because I don't want to share the entire story with just anyone.  Not yet.  Bits and pieces will come out in this blog, but my hope is that maybe someone will learn something from my journey.

During all of this I have so many questions, feelings, and so far only a little understanding. But I'm learning, slowly, to trust in God and live by faith.


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